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a few select poems from me, a part-time wordsmith

Twenty Two Choices


"oh brother" *rolls eyes* does mark do to you
you think you know so much, at a mere twenty two
let me tell you sister, so did I think back way back then
but now you see I know more, from twenty two plus ten

not to belittle your experiences by a dot
but there are more eyes then two on this earth melting pot
pain is not uniquely yours, you share it with man
alone you are not, on this spinning tin can

is it not the pain you have caused yourself today
forget it all, and wash it away
with the herbal essence that lives in your hair
live in the here and now, the past is never more


dwell on it, and you perpetuate it
and in the mean time, time marches on
and writes it self whether you chose or refuse to chose
a lack of choice becomes your choice


you have to ask yourself this

what do I want for myself, right here and now
how do I want the world to remember me by
as someone who whined of a thousand injuries and misplaced hopes
or as someone who sang of lifes joys

you see, dear one, despair is an endless hole in the ground
you can look that way, and never will you be found
comfortable in your bitterness can you for-ever stay
but noone with you will want with you ever to play
instead stand with us over here in the light
and talk with the rest of us about what's not quite right
we all are a brotherhood and you've strayed from the lot
guess what, your part of our family, whether you like it or not!

so we find you renni and yank you out of yourself
you can be so much more than a mere female word elf
yes there is more for you, both good and the bad
open your eyes and see the complete picture you've had
nobody gets just all crap you see
there's good in your life, give it space in your mind to rejoice and be


no i will not sell you on a happy bill of goods
you have to chose for yourself, what you remember from your life
do you forever dwell on the sorrow
or do you visualize those happy moments
and feed them with power
do you want to join the masses of choruses out there
singing of apathy and despair and complaints and lost hair
the ocean of suffering is vast and endless, there is no end to heartache
do you want to be the single voice that rises above it and speaks of hope
that the people turn to to show them a way
that there can be more for them than living inside of themselves
that your words can inspire
that you use your gift of power
to brighten the world not bemoan its sorrow


looks at your life
sees no
concentration camp horrors
lost children who have died in your arms
destroyed homes
bodies racked by illnesses
only heartache, is that it?
take your heart off your sleeve, and put it back in your pocket
your heart is your own, it belongs in its socket
feed it yourself, look not for it more
grow it from the inside out, laugh at the metaphor
the only love renni needs is renni for herself
then she will grow larger than a mere mortal word elf!


us guys are cute, indeed it is true
but there's more to life than love, thank you and bless you
love in the moment, we must in ethernity sqeeze it all
nothing lasts forever, realize it soon
all that you see now is gone already
there is a beginning and a middle and an end to everything
do not diminish something for an ending
do not dwell upon something that is gone
cherish who and what you have to love in this very moment
its all you have
life is precious so waste not a drop
and then your candle runs out
and then your story has been written in stone
chose wisely

Web page maintained by me < mrstarr@nyx.net>