to an aesha eowyn standing nowhere near

to a rose kenner in the now and the here

to a silly girl i consider quite dear

to a past forgotten love i no longer fear



pressed flowers in the pages of this book you shall find

pages colored and worn and yellowed by time

i dream of a day when i can read this book to silly girl you

as you lay by the fire like a cat, curled up by my shoe



of hobbitses and rings and elven tongue i know only so much of these

for you see my teenage lord of the rings was inhabited by faeries

faere games and circles and their playful tricks blurring mortal's perception of time

frolicing with destinies, twisting the tales that fated unwind



now from the deck of Tarot i lay down a JOURNEY

was there some pull betwixt us more than just being horny

or is there no meaning to life, was naught but for faery's fun¿

bathe in my rainbow of colors, i dare you, chapter ONE



markstarr 7.19.2002